Wir hören in Ihre Marke rein: Von der Exploration bis zum Tracking.
Methodik: comevis Sonic Profiling
Wir gestalten Ihren Klang:
Vom Audio Branding über die Klangarchitektur bis zur Corporate Voice.
Methodik: comevis Sonic Coding
Make it Real
Wir gehen weiter:
In unseren Science Labs und unseren Studios.
Methodik: comevis Sonic Producing
comevis Care
Performance Corporate Voice & Soundservices
Licensing (GEMA-frei), Services, Produktionsmanagement, QS, Joure Fix, Check, Report
Bildquelle: Nürnberger Versicherung Mediathek
Audible Experience
Audio/Voice Branding | Sonic Brand Sustainability
Capture the essence of an insurance company and its sustainability claim in just 2.5 seconds? You can! And with a sound logo. Since 2019, we have been supporting NÜRNBERGER Versicherung with acoustic elements in the field of audio/voice branding.
NÜRNBERGER Versicherung uses the Brand Sound Library developed by us and our Library Profiler from the C-Cloud.
The sound of Nürnberger Versicherung
Play Sound
Reference quote
"In addition to setting up the company's marketing department and focusing on the online sale of insurance policies, my initial focus was on repositioning the brand. We also completely overhauled the CD and the voice & sound branding. And because our vision focuses on people, we also need a good dose of sustainability: because trust is only earned in the long term and values count more than ever."
Dr. Karoline Haderer
Head of Group Marketing, Communication, Sponsoring, Online, CRM Member of the Board @GARANTA Versicherungs-AG
"Together with the experts from comevis, we have realigned our acoustic brand. Their strategic methodology of sonic profiling convinced us immediately. And the result is really impressive. The impact and lasting recognition of our acoustic branding is fit for the future. The brand history with the traditional NÜRNBERGER fanfare was taken into account and at the same time a modern sound architecture was developed. In a quantitative survey, potential customers identified important values for us such as relief, clarity and proximity. That really impressed us."
Bernd Leikauf
Communications graduate (BAW)
Head of Brand Management and Communication / Marketing
Audio Code
Nürnberger Versicherung uses audio coding to translate the relevant brand values into audible codes in a unique methodical and data-based way.
Voice Code
The Nürnberger Versicherungen Audible Experience is supplemented by clearly defined voice codes.
Brand Experience (BX)
Sound Branding
In addition to substantial values, Nürnberger Versicherung's Sonic Code is also defined by sustainable facets. We define brand concepts such as relief, clarity and proximity in unique, sustainable-sounding codes.
The sonic codes of NÜRNBERGER Versicherung harmonize the core and the sustainability claim of the brand. The result is a corporate sound logo that condenses these elements and gets to the heart of the matter.
Acoustic Service Design
Customer satisfaction