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UX Sound Design & Industrial Sound Design

UX sound design focusses on the user experience. The more pleasantly users perceive and experience a product/service audibly, the more positively the company will be remembered.

Definition: UX Sound Design

User experience (UX) design aims to create a positive experience for users at all times when interacting with a product or service. Sound plays a particularly important role here, as it can create a particularly captivating user experience. The relevance is particularly high for young and digital companies, as all touchpoints are made emotionally tangible.

Not only in the digital world does a user interface design provide the necessary orientation for targeted and successful interaction, it is also essential for physical products. For example, a digitally controlled coffee machine must have meaningful sound feedback.

At comevis, as a leading expert in audio and voice innovation, we implement unique UX designs that are specifically designed to optimize the service experience and create an exceptional customer experience.

Dive deeper into the world of UX sound design

Industrial sound design: a special user experience

Industrial sound design aims to make physical products both brand-appropriate and sonically appealing, as the mechanical value of a product is largely conveyed auditorily. Specially designed sounds generally evoke physical, affective, cognitive and psychomotor reactions, which means that the perception of even the most inconspicuous sound character can be decisive for the decision to use and purchase a product.


Sound design measures have become indispensable in some industries, such as the food and automotive industries. The performance and operation of household appliances is also significantly influenced by sound. And last but not least, in the transportation sector, it is important to support product physics and perception with coherent sound concepts.


Sound design solutions are always individual and depend on the respective application: For example, while the engine of a sports car should also sound as powerful as possible in the interior and sound-altering mechanisms are taken into account accordingly in the design, loud noises should be avoided and discreetly masked in the surround sound design of trains. In industrial sound design, no sound is left to chance; instead, the exact sonic representation of product and brand values is developed and implemented in a targeted manner.

Shape your acoustic future with us

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