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Wir hören in Ihre Marke rein: Von der Exploration bis zum Tracking.
Methodik: comevis Sonic Profiling
Wir gestalten Ihren Klang:
Vom Audio Branding über die Klangarchitektur bis zur Corporate Voice.
Methodik: comevis Sonic Coding
Make it Real
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Methodik: comevis Sonic Producing
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Sound DNA: 10 Success Factors for an effective Sonic Code
From Sound DNA to Sonic Code
From Sound DNA to Sonic Code. We define the acoustic identity of a brand more precisely, more flexibly and more innovatively. In doing so, we work not only at the pace of evolution, but at the speed of sound and the pulse of digital innovation.
1. Sustainability
A sound is created that not only meets the sustainability requirements of the company, but also remains consistent for your company in the long term. This guarantees that the acoustic elements will be remembered and associated with your brand even after a long time.
2. Diversity
The Sonic Code should be transformable in such a way that it can function at all digital touchpoints. We therefore see the adaptation into different sound elements and the associated diverse use at various contact points as the core idea of our concept. Our Library Profiler from our C-Cloud, can help organise and apply these different sound elements and manage your branded sounds.
3. individuality
In order to stand out from the competition, the sonic code should be unique and perfectly aligned with the company. With the help of our VAD.io tracker from our C-Cloud, we can also easily check the brand fit of sounds.
4. Innovation
We combine special acoustic know-how with digital innovation. We work with A.I.-based technologies that can be found as software solutions in the C-Cloud. A special focus is on our applications, tools and control instruments that make audio/voice applications with digital communication possible. In this way, we can make real and virtual spaces future-proof in order to position your audio brand.
5. Methodology
With our optimised C-Profiling methodology, we can translate your brand values into sound. Central to this is close collaboration, as this is how we establish the basic framework for your Sonic Code.
6. Brand Values
Based on the brand values you have defined, we develop a sound concept that is precisely tailored to your company. We integrate these into the sound translation and develop your own individual sonic code.
7. Communication
The key to a successful and on-brand Sonic Code is the close collaboration and communication on which our methodology is based. We want to talk about every detail to achieve perfect results.
8. Sound
Instruments can evoke different emotions and thus also reflect different values sonically. With our know-how, we develop a special sound architecture of instrumentation, melody and rhythm.
9. Dialogue
The right texts play a major role in the development of new sound elements. With our many years of experience, we always support the creative implementation of new formulations in order to harmoniously merge sound and dialogue.
10. Voice
The voice creates personality, appears lifelike, approachable and, in the best case, has an unmistakable recognition value, which leads to a positioning advantage. Your brand story should be told with a perfectly fitting voice. Whether in the classical way or with a synthetic voice, we help you find it!