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Cologne Business Award 2021: comevis hands over 1st place to igus

Aktualisiert: 15. Nov. 2021

comevis hands over the wand of the 1st place to the Business Award | Photo: Joachim Badura

The laudation was held by our Managing Director Stephan Vincent Nölke in a ceremonial setting at the Radisson Blu Hotel in Cologne in front of invited guests from politics, representatives of the chambers of commerce, companies and members of the Cologne Business Club.

Laudatory speech by Stephan Vincent Nölke, Managing Director, comevis GmbH & Co. KG, Cologne | Photo: Joachim Badura

As the previous winner of the 1st place of the Cologne Business Award, we now congratulate igus on winning this competition and are pleased to hand over the wand to a truly worthy winner. We also congratulate the other winners Lantzerath Group and ENGIE Deutschland GmbH. All 3 award winners deserve their award very well.

Photo: Joachim Badura

It was a special pleasure for our Managing Director Stephan V. Nölke to be able to honor a truly impressive company development with his laudation, which is traditionally held by the last award winner.

Photo: Joachim Badura

"Dear Frank Blase, dear igus team, most certainly the 1st place of the Cologne Business Award will give the igus brand further tailwind to reach demanding new goals. Once again, chapeau & congratulations!!!"

igus, a Cologne-based company successfully represented in 35 countries, with 4,600 employees and a sales volume of around € 900 million, is also particularly committed to Cologne as a business location.

Business Award

This year, the Business Award was handed out for the 14th time by the Cologne Business Club. The award once again honors companies that are regional and location-based, social, sustainable and economically successful. Particular attention is paid to the creation and preservation of jobs, but increasingly also to the factor of digitalization.

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