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comevis is one of the most popular employers in Germany, Austria & Switzerland 😉

Autorenbild: comeviscomevis

That SOUNDS pretty good and the C-Team is very happy.

Stephan Vincent Noelke with the kununu award

With the words "This company is one of the most popular employers of the year in Germany, Austria and Switzerland on kununu", comevis was named Top Company in 2022.

Chart of Corporate Culture

Chart of Work-Life Balance

logo of the kununu award

Not only do we offer a harmonious working environment with flexible working hours, modern room facilities and an anti-boredom guarantee, we also offer particularly unique deep insights into communication and marketing concepts on a national and international level.

For almost 20 years now, we have been known for audio/voice innovations. This involves audible brand digitisation, code-based sound branding, acoustic service design & A.I. applications from our award-winning C-Cloud. We develop brands, products & services - with reverberation.

In our career section you can find even more information about the fields of activity at comevis and current job advertisements.

Stephan Vincent Noelke presents the kununu award

Stephan Vincent Nölke


"We are travellers along the audible customer journey in all industries, in all countries of the world and for companies that position their brand with resonance."

Have we aroused your interest in comevis? Click here to visit our website.

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